This wouldn’t be a WordCamp without topics specific to learning how to use WordPress for content, design, and code. So far, we’ve covered a variety of speakers scheduled for WordCamp PDX 2015 including speakers on development topics and building non-profit sites. We’ve got some fantastic speakers who will take you on their own personal journey and offer tips and techniques to rock your WordPress site.
Community Building with WordPress
Luria Petrucci (aka Cali Lewis) is a leader in audio and video podcasting, Since 2005, she has worked with Samsung, Panasonic, Monster Cable, and others on video production, and developed several popular shows such as Geeks Life. She will be sharing Marketing Your WordPress Web Site with us in the afternoon, talking about how to use WordPress as a community and messaging platform to expand your reach. An expert in community building and social media, and marketing. She will show you how to do great things with WordPress and get people to your WordPress site for a greater impact.
A geek herself, she has long been the geek’s go-to person on modern technology and innovations. A long-time WordPress fan and WordCamp speaker, Luria has long been involved with WordPress and the WordPress Community, and just moved to Portland. We know she will help you share your passion with others on your WordPress site and learn how to build a community for yourself or clients. Continue reading Speakers: WordPress Economy: Marketing, Community Building, and the Business of WordPress